Monday, June 29, 2009

Monitoring Compliance with Board Policy

Over the past years there has evolved a greater understanding by Boards of the importance and value of policy. It appears as if Boards have spent considerable time establishing policy. But too often, they fail miserably when it comes to the other part of that task: monitoring compliance with that policy.

It takes a lot of work to establish the rules (policy). But what I’m witnessing more often than not are those rules being placed on a shelf to gather dust (much like strategic plans used to do). What good are rules if you don’t monitor compliance with them? Is a Board truly discharging its responsibility for effective management of the organization by simply trusting that the Chief Staff Officer (CEO, Executive Director) is complying with that policy? Frankly, I don’t think so!

Every policy that compels the Chief Staff Officer to do (or not to do) something needs to be monitored. Each policy should be discussed by the Board to determine what information they need to satisfy themselves that the policy is indeed being complied with, and how frequently they require that assurance.

And I also suggest that when the compliance information is advanced to the Board, that the Board also discuss and consider whether the policy needs to be amended based on changing needs or circumstances. This ensures that policy will always be “top of mind”, and certainly provides great information and orientation to new members of the Board. Both are important.

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